Monday, November 30, 2015

Anacardium as a Brain & Memory Tonic for students

 Are you a student and preparing for any exam or interview? Anacardium will help you to improve your memory and to keep it fresh. Every ayurvedic institution makes their memory tonic syrup using Anacardium.
It is a popular brain tonic remedy. But homeopathic Anacarduium orientale is the best and fruitful to improve memory function. There are many potencies of this remedy. Which is better ..

Sunday, November 15, 2015

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

BEIRUT -- The dramatic arrival of Da'ish (ISIS) on the stage of Iraq has shocked many in the West. Many have been perplexed -- and horrified -- by its violence and its evident magnetism for Sunni youth. But more than this, they find Saudi Arabia's ambivalence in the face of this manifestation both troubling and inexplicable, wondering, "Don't the Saudis understand that ISIS threatens them, too?"

It appears -- even now -- that Saudi Arabia's ruling elite is divided. Some applaud that ISIS is fighting Iranian Shiite "fire" with Sunni "fire"; that a new Sunni state is taking shape at the very heart of what they regard as a historical Sunni patrimony; and they are drawn by Da'ish's strict Salafist ideology.

Other Saudis are more fearful, and recall the history of the revolt against Abd-al Aziz by the Wahhabist Ikhwan (Disclaimer: this Ikhwan has nothing to do with the ...